Proving again that the espionage industry is not that fabulous, an ex-spy is now selling his special commemorative MI5 Breitling watch. The reason behind the sale according to the unknown seller is that he has lost his job with MI5 3 years ago.
Despite the fact that he served as a surveillance officer for 18 years, the ex-military man has been fired from his post after some “disagreements” with his bosses. Currently, he’s now studying for a new profession.
The watch is a special commissioned watch solely for the MI5. Only a few hundred have been in circulation and none have been shown in public before this incident.
The unknown watch seller has served MI5 by following and observing suspected terrorists. As a surveillance officer for Britain’s intelligence agency, he has helped stop many terror plots from the IRA and Islamic extremists.
The unidentified man said “I served my country for 18 years and thought my life was in danger many times and I am sad to sell the watch. But I need the money to pay for my studies and even though the Security Service will be annoyed that I am selling it I have decided to go out and see what bids I get. So far I have had good offers and considerable interest on eBay and I must admit, I will be very sorry to be losing the watch as I have little to remind me of my time with the service.”
According to him, he first bought the watch for £1000 and the bids have increased to £3500 so far.
His advert on Ebay lists the item as “Breitling super ocean steel fish MI5 Security Service centenary watch”
His write up says:
“This is a unique opportunity to purchase a bit of national history.
“This watch is a limited edition which could only be purchased by serving officers of MI5 British Security Service during their centenary.
“The watch was commissioned to celebrate their 100th anniversary.
“The watch has never been worn and comes with all the normal Breitling paperwork and also Ltd edition paperwork including a certificate with a brief chronological history of MI5.”
When asked if his bosses would be annoyed by the sale of his Breitling watch, he said: “Well it will certainly put a cat amongst the pigeons…
“But I am not giving any secrets away and I will always remain extremely proud of my work for MI5. I will not disrespect any of my former colleagues who are involved in the operational side.”
However, the unknown seller may have a problem after all. According to a security source: “All members of the Security Service have to sign the Official Secrets Act and as such are required not to reveal for whom they work – or have worked – once they leave. “It would probably be better if this watch was not on general release, although nobody would officially confirm its authenticity.”
But either way, he’s a former spy. He’s accustomed to breaking a few rules to get what he wants.