Before we start with our usual discussions about TV, we here at Watch The Americans would just like to offer our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Paul Walker. He is mostly known for his Fast and the Furious movies. He entertained a lot of people all around the world and he will surely be missed.
In lieu of Mr. Walker’s shocking death, here are some of the most shocking deaths on TV that happened recently.
*SPOILER ALERT* If you haven’t finished the season 1 of The Americans, every available season of Game of Thrones, Family Guy, and Downton Abbey then please stop reading.
The Americans – Vlad and the Burger
Okay, this happened last season and it was not that shocking, but you have to at least give props to the creative team for having Vlad eat a mouthful of burger before Stan shoots him at the back of his head. If not shocking, at least it was surprising, honestly, my eyes were wide open when the whole thing happened. Now it gets me thinking, was Stan merciful because he killed Vlad from behind, or was Mr. Beeman finally showing his dark side? Whatever Stan is, Vlad’s death is really satisfying like a big, juicy American cheeseburger.
Game of Thrones – The Red Wedding
GOT is a really well made series, with unique story lines and complex characters. Characters that you will love, invest on, cheer on, and see die in the hands of their enemies. It’s frustrating to see the characters that we root for be killed in front of our eyes. George R.R. Martin is a sadist, that loves to see his fans scream in anger and agony. But what can we do? We’re already invested and willing to see the series to its very end. And what did we expect? This was the show that was willing to kill its major character right from the very first season.
Family Guy – Brian Griffin
So apparently Brian, the talking dog from Family Guy died. I haven’t seen an episode since the show stopped being funny years ago but still, this is shocking news. For an animated comedy show to kill one of its lead characters is really surprising.
Downton Abbey – Matthew Crawley
The show lost it touch recently and it became more and more like a soap opera as it goes further down the road, but still, this show has it’s own share of shocking deaths. Lady Sybil’s death brought tears to loyal Downton Abbey fans but it was Matthew Crawley’s death that really brought them utter devastation. We (yes, including me) spent years to see the love story of Matthew and Lady Mary’s love story bloom. They had a complicated story, in which they weren’t both sure if they were right for each other. They were like playing a game of tug of war even though we, the fans, can clearly see that their chemistry is really special. When they finally did go down the aisle, Matthew just perishes in a car accident, months after their wedding. Lady Mary was pregnant and the whole family was still recuperating from Lady Sybil’s death. There was no plan for him to get killed but the actor playing Matthew (Dan Stevens) decided not to join the cast for another season breaking the hearts of countless Downton Abbey fans,