Tag: USA
According to recent reports, Angela Merkel has ordered its intelligence service to spy on United States and its biggest ally, Great Britain for the first ...
READ MORE +Germany has asked top US intelligence official to leave country over the consecutive spy issues. This move has been caused by the two reported cases of ...
READ MORE +President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that it’s impossible to isolate Russia from the world economy. He also says that there is no new Cold war ...
READ MORE +Australia’s intelligence agency sought the help of America to increase the surveillance on its citizens that are suspected of being involved in international ...
READ MORE +Germany and The United States of America were united on how to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. President Barrack Obama and German Chancellor ...
READ MORE +The global political climate is really complicated. Let’s take a good look at the United States, a country which is primarily split between Republicans and ...
READ MORE +With everything that is happening with Russia, Ukraine, The United States, and other economic powers, President Barrack Obama insists that they are ...
READ MORE +Snowden has recently voiced his intent to seek asylum in Brazil through an open letter. The letter, an 800 word plea to Brazil said that “Many Brazilian ...
READ MORE +The United States of America is now being questioned about its surveillance tactics against other foreign leaders, most especially Chancellor Angela Merkel ...
READ MORE +“On Memorial Day, I stood on Main Street in Fairport, N.Y., as I do every year, saluting the flags as they pass carried by veterans. I also stood on July 4th ...