The Americans | Final Season Teasers ...
READ MORE +With only 2 episodes left in season 4, A Roy Rogers in Franconia raises the tensions to a boiling point as everything seems to coming together in a perfect storm that may blow Phillip and Elizabeths ...
READ MORE +Dinner for Seven is an episode of The Americans that showcases both the tension of the Jennings spy operations and the tension of their “cover” life. While wrapping up their operation against the ...
READ MORE +Munchkins, the 10th episode of the 4th season of The Americans really shows the precarious position the Jennings family finds themselves in as this season starts building up to its climax. Elizabeth ...
READ MORE +There are moments in television history that stick with you. I will never forget when MASH had it’s series finale, or Cheers, or Night Court. I will always remember the first night of Star Trek: The ...
READ MORE +The past few episodes of The Americans season 4 have been extremely tense. There has barely been any let up of the tension level, and most episodes have been “edge of your seat” the whole way ...
READ MORE +Travel Agents, the 7th episode of the 4th season of The Americans, was the height of worry and stress. After Martha ran out of the safe house last week, we are left with an insane man hunt where the ...
READ MORE +Some shows on TV can be like a rollercoaster. They have the stressful parts where you climb up the peak, knowing the fall is coming. They have the adrenaline rush where you go over the peak and fly ...
READ MORE +I am not sure that it is fair to call The Americans a “drama”. Sure it is dramatic, yet “drama” doesn’t seem to be the best way to describe it. Maybe we should call it an anxiety show. In Clark’s ...
READ MORE +Chloramphenicol was an emotional rollercoaster of an episode for The Americans. Named after the antibiotic, Chloramphenicol, that the Jennings are taking to (hopefully) keep them from getting ...